Type K: Orthogonal Cross Hole Aligned with X-axis (ar=90°/-90°)

Assuming that the cross hole is aligned with the Y-axis (Orientation Angle ar=0°), Front Edge (Red) is defined as the edge that is on the +Y side and Rear Edge (Blue) is the edge on the -Y side as shown in the example below.

The relationship between Front (Red) /Rear (Blue) Edges and the orientation angle are also shown.

Example: Cross Hole Axis Aligned with X-axis

XEBEC Path Specifications

Specifications are indicated at the top of the text file in parentheses ( )

(INNER-1D8.-2D20.-T5.8-AR90.-E3.)  INNER: Inner Edge  [ OUTER: Outer Edge ]
1D8: Cross Hole Diameter Φ8mm
2D20: Cutter Insertion Hole Diameter Φ20mm
T5.8: Cutter Diameter Φ5.8mm
AR90: Cross Hole Orientation Angle 90°
E3: Offset +3mm from the Cross Hole Axis
(EDGE BREAK AMOUNT 0.30) Deburring Amount 0.30mm
(FRONT EDGE) Front Edge [ REAR EDGE: Rear Edge ]
(INC)  Positioning Format: Incremental   [ ABS: Absolute ]
(DOWN CUT) Down Cut Machining  [ UP CUT: Up Cut Machining ]