Type F: Angled Surface Hole

The Start Point is at the center of the Cutter Insertion Hole in the XY plane.

Along the Z-axis, it is at the intersection of the Cutter Insertion Hole axis and the upper/lower angled surface.
XEBEC Deburring Tool Path for absolute positioning (ABS) is generated with the Start Point position as the machine zero point (X0Y0Z0).

Example: Tapped Angled Surface Hole

Machining Parameters

To minimize the risk of secondary burrs, keep the tool projection length as short as possible. In case secondary burrs form, reduce the feed rate to 50% of the standard machining parameter and work with the smallest deburring amount (edge break length).

XEBEC Deburring Tool Path Specifications

Specifications are indicated at the top of the text file in parentheses ( )

(2D10.-T5.8-AR0-AA60.) 2D10: Cutter Insertion Hole 2D Diameter Φ10mm
T5.8: Cutter Diameter Φ5.8mm
AR0: Cross Hole Orientation Angle 0°
AA60: Inclination Angle +60°
(EDGE BREAK AMOUNT 0.30) Deburring Amount 0.30mm
(BACK EDGE) The Edge at the Backside [FRONT: The Edge at the Front Side]
(INC) Positioning Format: Incremental [ABS: Absolute]
(DOWN CUT) Down Cut Machining [UP CUT: Up Cut Machining]