Safety Precautions

Warning and Caution Logos

The meanings of the indications and symbols related to matters which must be observed in order to ensure the safety of this product are as detailed below. 

Warning and Caution Logos
WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury

CAUTION indicates practices that may cause injuries and damages


Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or death.

This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential physical injury hazards.

Operator Safety Protection

Make sure that the product is free of any visible damage prior to use

The product may break, and fragments may scatter if the product is used with any damage or excessive tool wear.

Do not touch the product while it is in motion

Make sure to isolate this product while in use by taking measures such as closing the door of the machine tool.

If vibrations or any other abnormality occurs, discontinue use immediately.

If the use of the product is continued with any abnormality, the product may break or fall off, possibly causing injury or loss of sight.

Wear protective gloves and gears when touching the product

If the cutting blades is touched with bare hands, there is risk of injury or burns.

Wear protective gears

Wear protective gears such as goggles, face mask, gloves, and earmuff when using this product. Furthermore, make sure to cover your skin with clothing. 

Attention to the Work Area
  • Install an enclosure so that persons other than the operator do not enter the work area, and ensure that all persons, if any, in the work area are wearing protective gears. 
  • In particular be careful that children do not enter the work area.
  • Keep the floor of the work area clean at all times to prevent the risk of slipping or tripping on chips, dust, cutting fluids, coolant, or other substances.
  • There is the risk of fire caused by heating, sparks, or other factor resulting from use of the product. Do not use the product close to a flammable liquid or in an explosive atmosphere. Also be sure to enact fire prevention measures.

Chips and Dust

Make sure to use a dust collector or other means to collect chips, dust, and other substances to prevent them from scattering into the surrounding.

Precautions for Setup and Installation

Select the appropriate tool size.

Select the appropriate tool size and set the projection length appropriately to avoid damages to the product, jig or the machine tool.

During use, this product must be clamped firmly to the machine tool and the workpiece must be fixtured securely.

If the workpiece moves during machining, the workpiece or this product may break, causing fragments to scatter.

Before use, preform test with air cutting or simulation software to make sure there is no error with the Path.

It there is any error, this product or the workpiece may break.

Make sure to set the tool length offset at the tip of this product when using XEBEC Path.

Setting the tool length offset at any point other than the tip of this product is dangerous as it may result in tool collision and accident.

Minimize positional error and dimensional variance of holes to be deburred and make sure to position this product correctly.

If the max allowed accumulated variance is exceeded, the edge quality after deburring will be affected. If this product is not positioned correctly, it may break.

Make sure the tool runout is less than 0.01mm after the tool is clamped in the tool holder.

If the tool runout is greater, this product may break when it is rotated or applied to the workpiece. 

Make sure that the positioning format (incremental or absolute) of the Path matches that of the machine tool.  

If the incorrect positioning format is used, this product, the machine tool and the fixture may break.

Pre-Use Inspection

Select and use coolant or cutting fluid that is suitable for the purpose.

Depending on the type of coolant or cutting fluid, there is a risk of fire caused by overheating, sparks, or other problem. If there is any risk of overheating or sparks, be sure to implement fire prevention measures.

Prior to the use of this product, make sure that there will be no tool collision.

Select the appropriate tool size and set the projection length appropriately by taking into consideration the movement and the tool path of this product in use.

Adjust the direction of cutting fluid or coolant to ensure that it is applied to the cutting blades. 

If the cutting fluid or coolant is not applied sufficiently, the cutting blades may become overheated, and the tool life may be shortened.

Minimize the burr size generated during the previous machining process.

If the root thickness of the burrs is greater than the deburring amount (edge break length) of the Path, it may not be possible to remove the burrs completely.

Precautions for Use

DO NOT use at excessive rotational speeds.

The use of this product at any excessive rotational speed may cause it to break. Refer to the standard machining parameters for each tool size.

DO NOT use this product in counterclockwise (CCW) rotation. 

This product must be used in clockwise (CW) rotation. Using this product in CCW rotation will result in damages.

DO NOT use this product with hand tools.

This product must be used with CNC machines. If used with any hand tool, it may break and cause injuries. 

DO NOT use this product for any purpose other than deburring or chamfering.

This product is designed for deburring and chamfering. It may break if used for any other purpose.

Edges with gaps and openings

If there is any gap or opening on the edge to be deburred, the cutting edge is more prone to chipping, and the tool life may be shortened.